I carried out my undergraduate qualification Bachelor(Hons), including a 3-month industrial placement, and Masters qualification (MRes) in Chemical Engineering. I went on to complete my Ph.D. in organic and macromolecular chemistry at the University of Lille, France. My thesis is focused on flow chemistry, kinetics and thermodynamics, and organic synthesis.
Since then, I have worked as a postdoctoral /research fellow in a wide range of research laboratories in France (Institut Curie), Brazil (CCS and LMMP), Norway (Laboratory for soft and complex matter studies), China (Ding lab), and the UK. In 2017, I joined the University of Birmingham, UK, to take up a research fellow position funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), working with the group of Professor Ian Norton and Dr. Tom Mills in additive manufacturing of soft materials. This project was a collaboration between the Universities of Birmingham, Nottingham, and Reading, and industries. In 2020-2021, I was a member of the Energy Materials Group (Professor Emma Kendrick), School of Metallurgy & Materials at the University of Birmingham, and I was working on an artificial intelligence project in energy storage. Until October 2022, I have been a Research Fellow in Soft 3D Printing and Microfluidics at the School of Mathematics. I have been working on smart microfluidic devices from thermoresponsive polymers via soft 3D printing, using ideas inspired by Origami. During this role, I worked closely with the Hydrogel Machines group, where I worked as a scientific visitor.